
001b New Purchase
2024-04-25·2 min read
by Chris McKeown
Tags: Licensing

Thank you for your purchase

Please follow the below steps to update your existing key Your will need:

  • The email address on the order
  • The order id
  1. Go to process purchase

  2. Enter Order Information
  3. Enter your email address, order id

    Order Information

    Click Get order

    If the email and / or order id do not match you will get

    Emails do not match

    If you do not enter a license key, but the email address is linked to an existing key you can either go back and update the existing key, or proceed and create a new key.

    Has an existing license key
  4. Token Verfication
  5. You will receive a email from chris@kiwicodes.com with a verification token

    Verification token email

    Enter your token and click Verify token

    Verification token
  6. Verify Order Details
  7. Check your Exising and new purchase details. If anything does not look right please contact me.

    Verify details overall

    Adjust your seat count if you like. The Expiry date will adjust as you do.

    Verify details key configuration
  8. Complete
  9. You will receive confirmation the key has been updated.

